๐Ÿ“–Carbon Ledger

What we needed to support

To accurately track Running Tides carbon impacts we needed a single source of truth to track our own project emissions.

What we built

We built a double entry accounting system based on our teams experience with financial accounting systems. We also took inspiration from Martin Fowlers work on accounting patterns. The system accounts for every kg of co2e involved in out operations, emission and removals. The system itself is however only as accurate as its usage so we developed a Carbon accounting framework.

What we wouldโ€™ve wanted to build next

Ultimately we would have wanted the ledger to be fully automated with events triggering at various points in the lifecycle of a deployments, such as:

  • deployment being quantified

  • credits being minted

  • credits being issued

How itโ€™s all connected

The ledger stores references to the systems that are the source of each journal entry. These could for instance be deployments, emissions records or credit issuances.

Last updated